Wednesday 12 June 2013

WIP Day 2: Wheel throwing pottery

So.... I went to Tiranti in central to get some earthenware clay because they are smoother, more suitable for throwing.

I got this one at the end:

It was very different to the terracotta clay and it actually threw me off a little so it took me a while to get used to the difference in the density.

It was much easier to control the wall, but I still can't quite pull the wall up properly...

 The top one on the left is obviously the trial ... it was the result of a failed attempt to savage it after it was spiraling out of control...
The second try (on the right) was going ok until one side sort of flopped to the side, but the wall thickness was quite even all the way around...
I was actually quite pleased with my 3rd attempt, I managed to pull up a higher wall than the terracotta pot from yesterday without messing it up. I think it just needs more clay if I wanted to pull it any higher because the previous one started getting too thin when I tried to pull it higher. Also I was pulling it in my on way because I tried the ways other people's done it and it just didn't work for me...

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