Tuesday 11 June 2013

First time wheel throwing pottery

I've been wanting to do this for a long while now, and since uni work has finished I'm making good use of the workshop until the end of the month. I know it's better if I go for proper classes but its likely to be expensive and I wouldn't know which one is actually good. The wonders of YouTube and online tutorials!!!
The photos are actually of my second go at the wheel. The first time was just incredible, so much more difficult than I ever thought it would be. But then again it was partly because I was using terracotta clay, which had those tiny little bits in that felt like was cutting my hand the whole time.
I will go and get some smoother clay and start on it again tomorrow!

The 2 on the right were the first attempts, it was just so difficult to have a good balance on the wall thickness on all sides... one side is always thinner and the other side is always really thick and hard to alter...

Only 3 are kind of decent looking... haha not bad for a self-taught practice?

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