Tuesday 18 June 2013

Kingston University Degree Show - Product & Furniture Design

Some very good and motivating work at the degree show at Kingston University! Lots of things to look forward to next week (well, mostly hard work and challenges)

Thursday 13 June 2013

Wheel throwing pottery Day 3

New to the collection is: big bowl (for rice), small sake cup, mug (not done very well).

I'm still kind of struggling to pull up the wall, it broke off twice because I squeezed it too much, and the mug wall is not very even, but it's on the verge of breaking so I just let it be.

Next week will be more shape experiments!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Handmade paper, Portfolio update

 Another version with the logo highlighted in black ink... but I do like how subtle the first one is, which is now the front cover for my portfolio.

And finally my portfolio is finished!! which also concludes the end of my second year.

Kingston University Degree Show!

Marigold glove

WIP Day 2: Wheel throwing pottery

So.... I went to Tiranti in central to get some earthenware clay because they are smoother, more suitable for throwing.

I got this one at the end: http://www.tiranti.co.uk/EdgeImpactShop/subcatdivision.php?Division=369&Content=Earthstone+Extra+Smooth+

It was very different to the terracotta clay and it actually threw me off a little so it took me a while to get used to the difference in the density.

It was much easier to control the wall, but I still can't quite pull the wall up properly...

 The top one on the left is obviously the trial ... it was the result of a failed attempt to savage it after it was spiraling out of control...
The second try (on the right) was going ok until one side sort of flopped to the side, but the wall thickness was quite even all the way around...
I was actually quite pleased with my 3rd attempt, I managed to pull up a higher wall than the terracotta pot from yesterday without messing it up. I think it just needs more clay if I wanted to pull it any higher because the previous one started getting too thin when I tried to pull it higher. Also I was pulling it in my on way because I tried the ways other people's done it and it just didn't work for me...

Tuesday 11 June 2013

First time wheel throwing pottery

I've been wanting to do this for a long while now, and since uni work has finished I'm making good use of the workshop until the end of the month. I know it's better if I go for proper classes but its likely to be expensive and I wouldn't know which one is actually good. The wonders of YouTube and online tutorials!!!
The photos are actually of my second go at the wheel. The first time was just incredible, so much more difficult than I ever thought it would be. But then again it was partly because I was using terracotta clay, which had those tiny little bits in that felt like was cutting my hand the whole time.
I will go and get some smoother clay and start on it again tomorrow!

The 2 on the right were the first attempts, it was just so difficult to have a good balance on the wall thickness on all sides... one side is always thinner and the other side is always really thick and hard to alter...

Only 3 are kind of decent looking... haha not bad for a self-taught practice?