Saturday 19 January 2013

Work in Progress

At the start of the new term, we were only given 8-9 days to make our final design as a full-size working prototype. Despite having ordered the materials before we broke up for Christmas, there was a mistake with my order so my materials weren't there when we got back on the Monday, it was a nightmare. But luckily they have some lengths of my 25mm tubular steel in the material store in the workshop so I managed to get started anyway but it was only half of what I ordered. 

Bending tubular steel at this diameter was very different - a lot more difficult - than I imagined, having only worked with thinner tubes before. but I managed to get the bulk of it done quite quickly, having done my full-size drawing to line up the metal with and calculated all the lengths that I would need to bend in sections as my final design was too complex in form. 

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