Tuesday 22 January 2013

Work in Progress: Intelligent Making 2

Now, how I ever managed to go all this time without using this machine I don't know, but I'm slowly discovering the wonders of the hidden gems in the workshop that we were not inducted on at the beginning.

At the first stage of assembly - I was overjoyed to see it starting to take shape, as I imagined...

... also expected the back of the head rest was really troublesome because it was the only part that I found difficult to imagine and calculate, as it curves around and bends upwards at the same time

After all the welding was done, it was time for some angle-grinding and on the dremel (both of which I have never used before) so it was a good learning experience! My chair is finally taking shape so it's getting a bit nerve-wrecking and exciting at the same time!

Saturday 19 January 2013

Work in Progress

At the start of the new term, we were only given 8-9 days to make our final design as a full-size working prototype. Despite having ordered the materials before we broke up for Christmas, there was a mistake with my order so my materials weren't there when we got back on the Monday, it was a nightmare. But luckily they have some lengths of my 25mm tubular steel in the material store in the workshop so I managed to get started anyway but it was only half of what I ordered. 

Bending tubular steel at this diameter was very different - a lot more difficult - than I imagined, having only worked with thinner tubes before. but I managed to get the bulk of it done quite quickly, having done my full-size drawing to line up the metal with and calculated all the lengths that I would need to bend in sections as my final design was too complex in form. 

Sunday 6 January 2013

Fresh start

New start of term, new apron! I wonder what kind of work I would be producing this year... Last year was full of fun making in the workshop, hopefully this year is the same.

Personal project I

I'm not much of an illustrator, but there used to be a time when I thought of designing game characters, back in time when I first started practising drawing manga characters... I just thought of a personal project - tarot cards illustrations. I have wanted to pick up drawing again for a while now, I do miss my portraits. I have been quite into tarot cards at one point, I do believe in fate, but I'm not dependant on it, because my future is in my own hands.

Thursday 3 January 2013

New Year

Blogging has never been my strong points, I would start and gradually forget to keep posting. As part of the fresh start of 2013, one of my resolutions is to keep updating this new blog with my work at uni and other personal projects I set myself. Hope you guys like it. Any comments and suggestions are welcome : )