Sunday 26 May 2013

Handmade Paper

I've wanted to try making my own paper for a while now but never really had a reason to do it for. Now that it's the end of year, I thought it would be good to try making some to go as the cover for my portfolio. Hopefully they will turn out OK!

First, tear up scrap paper and soak in a tub of water.

When the paper has been soaked through, put it in a blender and blend it until it turns into pulp. (I added in a bit of plain flour under the suggestion of my friend)

Drain out the water through a sieve or if you have window screen that will work too!

I laid it out onto a piece of foil (for easier handling)

I patted the pulp down into a rectangle slightly smaller than I wanted, laid a piece of table cloth over it and sponged off the excess water, then got a glass bottle and rolled it out more flat and this will push the pulp to spread out more. 

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